‘Museu Virtual dos Embutidos da Madeira’ (Madeira´s virtual wood inlay artefact Museum)

This project arises after the publication of the two works ‘Os Grandes Mestres Marceneiros- Embutidores da Ilha da Madeira- Escola Industrial António de Augusto Aguiar’, edited in 2021 and 2022, by our Association: Boa Nova Folklore and Ethnographic Group and authored by Danilo José Fernandes. There are editions from the collection ‘O Trilho’, from the […]
Presentation of MUvEMMA

https://vimeo.com/896309708 The MUvEMMA was officially presented, the ‘Museu Virtual dos Embutidos da Madeira’ (Madeira´s virtual wood inlay artefact Museum), an initiative of the Boa Nova Folklore and Ethnographic Group Association. The museum showcases furniture pieces and other, from different inlay masters in Madeira, as from the 19th century. The pieces are organized in three different […]
Website launch of the ‘Museu Virtual dos Embutidos da Madeira’ (Madeira´s virtual wood inlay artefact Museum)

‘Museu Virtual dos Embutidos da Madeira’ (Madeira´s virtual wood inlay artefact Museum) presented tomorrow at the Centro Cívico de Santa Maria Maior Sandra S. Gonçalves19 dez 2023 08:17 https://www.dnoticias.pt/2023/12/19/387140-museu-virtual-dos-embutidos-da-madeira-apresentado-amanha-no-centro-civico-de-santa-maria-maior/ It is already tomorrow, around 4:30 pm, that the ‘Museu Virtual dos Embutidos da Madeira’ (Madeira´s virtual wood inlay artefact Museum) will be presented, in the […]
Show Hora 10, Marta Cília – RDP Madeira

December 27th, 2023 The MUvEMMA, ‘Museu Virtual dos Embutidos da Madeira’ (Madeira´s virtual wood inlay artefact Museum), would like to thank all listeners of the “Hora 10” show for the warm welcome and the interest shown in our project. In the most recent edition of the show, we had the privilege of counting with the […]